5 Cooling Herbs for Hot Summer

Summer heat can be intense and can cause negative affects on health. Hence, it is important to find natural ways to cool down the body. As we all aware, herbs have always been used for centuries to refresh and rejuvenate during the hot months of the year. Being a dedicated herb enthusiast, I want to share five cooling herbs that can help you stay cool and comfortable in summer.

1. Bee Balm

Bee Balm, also known as Monarda, is not only a beautiful addition to any garden but also a fantastic cooling herb belongs to the mint family. Bee balm grows wild and may have lavender-colored flowers and a pungent taste or red flowers and a slightly less pungent taste. Its aromatic leaves and flowers can be an ideal ingredients to make a refreshing tea. Bee Balm has natural cooling properties that can help reduce body heat. 

However, it is advisable to avoid using bee balm during pregnancy due to its emmenagogue effects, which are related to its high content of volatile oils.

2. Calendula

Calendula, also known as pot marigold, has a reputation for its soothing properties. It can be effectively used topically to cool and heal sunburns and skin irritations. It has vibrant yellow and orange flowers that open in the morning with the sunrise and close at sunset. This behaviour inspired Culpeper (1653) to call it 'an herb of the sun' (p. 114). Truly, calendula captures the essence of the sun in its blossoms .Calendula tea is another great way to cool down internally.

Checkout this Calendula & Green tea Mist (PiadAd)

3. Hibiscus

Hibiscus is a tropical plant well-known for its vibrant flowers and cooling effects. There are hundreds of species of hibiscus, many of which are ornamental garden varieties with large, colorful blossoms. However, Hibiscus sabdariffa, a species with smaller, less showy flowers, is the ideal herb for making a cooling tea. Hibiscus tea is a popular beverage in many cultures, particularly in hot climates. It is absolutely refreshing  and also helps to lower body temperature.

Checkout this Hibiscus tea (Paid Ad)

4. Plantain

Plantain is found in meadows and lawns, known for its healing and cooling properties. There are over 250 species within the Plantago genus worldwide, all considered edible or safe for consumption, though not always palatable. It can be applied to the skin to soothe burns and rashes. Plantain weed is widely used in the form of supplements, teas, and skincare products.

Checkout this Plantain Cream (Paid Ad)

5. Rose

Rose, originally hailing from ancient Persia, is not only beautiful and fragrant but also incredibly cooling.Rose has over 100 species and 18,000 cultivars. Rose water can be used as a refreshing facial mist to cool the skin, and rose tea is another excellent way to stay cool and hydrated. For herbal preparations, organically grown varieties should be used, as conventional roses are often heavily treated with chemicals and may lack the expected aromatic qualities.

Checkout this amazing Rosehip Skincare (Paid Ad)

These five herbs are great for staying cool during the hot summer months. You can use them in teas, skin creams, and essential oils. They will help you feel cooler and also provide many other health benefits.

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